Last week NUGS went to Mudgee. We were met with blue skies and cherry blossoms to celebrate 10 years of NUGS!
8 of us received the red-carpet treatment by Glencore as we visited North 2 de-stressing drilling trial sites and West 8 poor conditions / high stress zone. Underground we had Adrian Moodie, James Fisher, Sungsoon Mo and Garry the long-term D/S Undermanager to provide commentary on the development conditions, expected retreat conditions, anticipated problems, and lessons learned. Thanks to Adrian for his presentation on the characterisation of these high stress areas, and the drilling project so far.
Our networking dinner was sponsored by two of our Platinum Sponsors Jennmar Australia and DSI Underground. Fantastic conversations between the Mudgee-mining locals and out of towners: problems discussed (some even solved!), pizza was feasted on, some coal was cut, and a splash of wine was served!
The workshop saw 24 of the NUGS community at Mudgee, and a further 70 online. This year featured an exceptional lineup of presentations. A recurring theme in the talks by Adrian Moodie, Ken Mills, and Ashleigh Hundy was the impact of large-scale regional geological environments on geotechnical management practices. On the technology front, Peter Craig showcased the latest advancements in high-capacity cable bolts, Rob Goldspink demonstrated Macsafe’s new product innovations, and Carlos Gonzalez introduced a cutting-edge method for automated ground support deformation monitoring using Caroni Geospatial’s LiDAR technology.